Dr. Shamta Chugh
Dr. Shamta Chugh
Professor & Head
Department of Applied Science and Humanities
- M.Sc.(Maths) and M.Phil(Maths) from Maharshi Dyanand University, Rohtak.
- Ph.D (Two dimensional deformation in an anisotropic medium) Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar under the supervision of Prof. Kuldip Singh(Pofessor, Dept. of Maths, GJUST) & Dr. Dinesh Kumar Madan (Associate Professor and Head of the Dept of Maths, Chaudhary Bansi Lal Uiversity, Bhiwani)
- Currently working as a Professor & Head of the department of Applied Science and Humanities
- August 2015-October 2021: Worked as an Associate Professor (Mathematics) with World College of Technology and Management, Farukh Nagar (Gurgaon).
- July 2009-July2015: Worked as an Assistant Professor (Mathematics) with SDITM and NCIT Israna (Sister Institutions of NCCE).
- August 2004-June 2009: Worked as Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, A.P (Mathematics) with BPRCE, Gohana.
- August 2002-February 2003: Worked as Lecturer (Mathematics) with NCCE, Israna.
- September 2001-July2002: Worked as Lecturer (Mathematics) with JMIT, Radaur.
- Active Member of Admission Core Committee
- Coordinating and Mentoring Btech ‘Ist year’
- Teaching Postgraduate and undergraduate courses-, Operation Research, Quantitative Techniques, Mathematics-I(F), Mathematics-II(F), Mathematics-III(G-scheme), Calculus, Matrices and Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics,Multivariable Calculus, Differential equations and Complex Analysis, Discrete Strucures/Mathematics, Applied Numerical Techniques and Computation, Mathematical foundation of Computer Science, Business Statistics, Business Statistics and Analytics, Mathematics(BCA),Business Research Methods.
- Done Inchargeship of CSE ‘A first year, Inchargeship of CSE 3rd sem
- Chugh, S., Singh, K. and Madan, D. K., 2009 - Two-dimensional static deformation of an orthotropic elastic layered half-space due to blind strike-slip fault, ISET J. Earthq. Tech., 46, 109–124.
- Madan, D. K., Chugh, S. and Singh, K., 2009-Static deformation of two coupled
orthotropic elastic half-spaces due to non-uniform slip along a very long vertical strike
slip fault, Int. J. Appl. Maths. Engg. Sci., 3, 113-127.
- Chugh, S., Madan, D. K. and Singh, K., 2010- Static deformation due to non-uniform
slip along a very long vertical strike-slip geological fault in two-phase medium, Int. J.
Ecol. Econ. Stat., 19, 47-65.
- Madan, D. K., Chugh, S. and Singh, K., 2011- Stresses in an anisotropic elastic plate
due to strip-loading, Int. J. Mech., 5, 57-62.
- Chugh, S., Madan, D. K. and Singh, K., 2011- Static deformation of orthotropic elastic
layered medium due to a non-uniform discontinuity along a very long strike-slip fault,
Int. J. Engg., Sci. and Tech., 3, 69-86.
- Chugh, S., Madan, D. K. and Singh, K., 2011-Plane strain deformation of an initially
unstressed elastic medium, Appl. Maths. Comput.(Elsvier), 217, 8683–8692.
- Chugh, S., Singh, K. and Madan, D. K., 2011-2-D static response of an orthotropic
multilayered half-space due to a long strike-slip fault, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 103,
- Madan, D. K., Dahiya, A. and Chugh, S., 2012- Static response of transversely isotropic
elastic medium with irregularity present in the medium, Int. J. Mech. Engg., 2,1-11.
- Madan, D. K., Dahiya, A. and Chugh, S., 2012-Static response of an anisotropic elastic
medium due to inclined line load with irregularity present in the medium, Int. J. Engg.
Sc. Res., 2, 1683-1695.
- Contribution online as a Session Chairperson in the International Conference entitled “Mathematical Sciences” on Innovative Research in Engineering, Computers and Sciences during 19-21 January, 2018 held at Panji, Goa, India.
- Contribution online as a Session Chairperson in the International Conference on Engineering, Computers and Natural Sciences during 19-21 October, 2018 held at Panji, Goa, India.
- Contribution online as an invited Speaker in the International Conference on Engineering, Computers and Natural Sciences during 19-21 October, 2018 held at Panji, Goa, India and delivered a talk on “Geological Fault in Two Phase Medium”.
- Attended 2ndInternationalConference on Computational Methods Simulation and
Optimization during January 11-13, 2019 held at AITCC, Bangkok Thailand and online
presented a paper “Analysis the Effect of Irregularity on Static Response of
Transversely Isotropic Elastic Medium”.
- Attended InternationalConference on Innovative Research in Engineering, Computers
and Sciences during January 19-21, 2018 held at Panji, Goa and presented a paper
“Deformation of an Orthotropic Elastic Medium Possessing Irregularity at the interface”
- Attended Ist InternationalConference on Computational Methods Simulation and
Optimization during June 22-24, 2018 held at AITCC, Bangkok Thailand and online
presented a paper “Deformation in a Transversely Isotropic Elastic Plate due to Strip
- Attended National Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology: A
Computational Approach on March 22, 2018 held at CH. Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani
and presented a paper entitled “Stresses in a Transversely Isotropic Elastic Plate due to
- Attended National Conference on Global Challenges-Role of Sciences & technology
in Giving Their Solutions during March 3-4, 2012 held at TITS, Bhiwani and
presented a paper entitled “Static deformation of an orthotropic multilayered half-
- Attended National Conference on ‘Women Entrepreneurships Challenges and
Opportunities’ by Delhi Management Association and Indus Business Academy
(Greater Noida) on December 16, 2010.
- Attended 1st International Conference on ‘Mathematics and Soft Computing’ during
December 4-5, 2010 held at NCCE, Israna, Panipat and presented a paper entitled
“Stresses due to strip-loading in a monoclinic elastic plate”.
- Attended National Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation during March 20-21, 2010 held at G.J.U.S &T., Hisar and presented the paper entitled “Static
deformation due to non-uniform slips in two-phase orthotropic elastic media”.
- Attended 9th National Conference on Information Technology and Operational Research Applications during December 8-9, 2007 held at Graduate School of Business & Administration, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh and presented a paper entitled “Crustal
deformation due to strike-slip faulting in the earth”.
- Attended 8thNational Level Conference on “Information Technology: Setting Trends in Modern Era” during 18-20 March, 2006 held at NCCE, Israna, Panipat &presented a paper entitled ‘Two-dimensional deformation analysis of an orthotropic half-space due a long inclined strike-slip fault’ at finite width.
- Attended Workshop on “Art of Learning and Research Guidelines” during October 18-19, 2013 held at NCCE, Israna, Panipat.
- Attended National Workshop on ‘Wireless and Microwave Communication: Future
Trends’ on April 30, 2011 held at SDITM, Israna, Panipat
- Attended National Workshop on ‘Recent Trends in Mathematics & Computing’ on March 13, 2010 held at TITS, Bhiwani.
- Attended State-Level Workshop on ‘Cyber Security and E-mail Applications’ during
December 21-22, 2009 held at SDITM, Israna, Panipat.
- Attended National Seminar on ‘Mathematical Modeling in Science & Technology’ on
18 Aug, 2012 at TITS, Bhiwani and presented a paper entitled “A note on the stress
ratios at the interface in an anti-plane strain problem”.
- Attended AICTE sponsored National Seminar on Application of Mathematics in
Engineering Sciences during March 17, 2012 held at NCCE, Israna, Panipat and
presented a paper entitled “Two dimensional eigen value problem in electromagenatic
using finite element method”.
- Attended AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on Challenges in Software Engineering
Research & Practices during March 30-31, 2010 held at NCCE, Israna (Panipat) and
presented the paper entitled “Static deformation due to non-uniform slip along a very
long strike-slip fault”.
- Attended AICTE recognized Short term course on Optimization Techniques in Engineering during May 27-31, 2019 held at NITTTR Chandigarh.
- Attended AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Solar Energy on 11-23 May, 2015 at MRU, Faridabad.
- Attended AICTE sponsored National Level Staff Development Programme on “Smart
Materials” during July 19-31, 2010 held at SDITM, Israna (Panipat) and presented a
paper entitled “2-D static response of an orthotropic multilayered half-space due to a
long strike-slip fault”.
- AICTE sponsored National Level Staff Development Programme on “Smart Materials” during July 19-31, 2010 held at SDITM, Israna (Panipat) and presented a paper entitled “Faults: Source of Earthquakes”.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurship Development & Small Business Management” during December 1-14, 2009 held at NCCE, Israna, Panipat.
Ms. Bhumika
Ms. Bhumika
Assistant Professor,
Department of Applied Science (Chemistry)
Ms. Bhumika is an Assistant Professor, in the Department of Applied Sciences, World College of Technology and Management, Gurugram, Haryana. Furthermore, she is currently enrolled as Research Scholar (Part-Time Fellow), at J C Bose University of Science and Technology, Faridabad, Haryana. She completed Master’s in Chemistry from MDU University (2015) and Bachelor Program (Non-Medical) from Kurukshetra University (2012). She completed B.Ed. from Kurukshetra University (2013). She is CSIR-NET and CTET qualified. She has one year of teaching experience. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate subjects, such as Engineering Chemistry, Human Rights, Disaster Management and Environmental Science, respectively.
Her research is focused on the applications of transition metal complexes nanoparticles in the treatment of waste water. Additionally, she participated in national workshop, NWMC-2019, Nano and Composite Materials, organized by DAE-BRNS BARC, Mumbai and international conference, STS-2019, “Stewardship towards Sustainability”, organized by Center of Research and Development, SGT University. She has been awarded “Best Oral Presentation Award”, at STS-2019. She has successfully completed online certified courses of Elsevier.
Dr. Neetu Singh
Dr. Neetu Singh
Associate Professor (Mathematics)
Department of Applied Science and Humanities
Dr. Neetu Singh is an Associate Professor (Mathematics) in the Department of Applied Sciences. She is M.Sc. (Mathematics, 2004) and Ph.D. (Mathematics, 2010) from Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Agra. Prior to join WCTM, Dr. Singh has worked with Hindustan College of Science & Technology, SGI, Mathura. She has overall teaching experience of 16 years and teaches the subjects Engineering Mathematics, Probablity & Statistics, Numerical Methods, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science, Business Mathematics, Business Statistics, Operations Research and Quantitative Techniques at under graduate and post graduate level.
Her research specialization is Operations Research. Her research interests include queueing theory, inventory theory, stochastic modeling and simulation. Her Ph. D. thesis entitled “Modelling and Analysis of Some Machining Systems: A Queue Theoritic Approach” was considered an excellent work on the subject. She is life member of IAENG and Vijnana Parishad of India and Editorial Board Member of 3 prestigious journals. She has published several research papers in National and International journals and one book with international publisher. She has attended various workshops and short term courses in the area of Mathematics and operations research and has presented, published papers, delivered invited talk, chaired session in several National and International conferences and has successfully organized 1 National Conference.
Dr. Suresh Pal
Dr. Suresh Pal
Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Science & Humanities
Dr. Suresh Pal is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Science (Physics). He has completed his Ph.D. from Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P.) under the kind supervision of Prof. R.K. Tiwari and Dr. Dinesh C. Gupta. He has done his research work on Semiconductor materials with the thesis entitled “Study of Electronic and Optical Properties of Zinc-blende and Chalcopyrite Semiconductors”. He has completed his PG (M.Sc.,M.Phil.) in Physics from Jiwaji University, Gwalior and has graduated from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla (H.P.).
Dr. Suresh has overall 10 years of teaching experience in various educational institutions. His teaching area includes Engineering Physics, Nano Science & Laser Physics at graduate level. He has published several research papers in National and International journals and presented many papers in National and International conferences/seminars.
Dr. Seema Chalwa
Dr. Seema Chalwa
Associate Professor
Department of Applied Science
Dr. Seema Chawla is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Science (Mathematics). She is M.Sc. (Mathematics, 2001) and Ph.D. (Mathematics, 2006) from Rajasthan University. Dr. Seema has overall teaching experience of 11 years and teaches the subjects Engineering Mathematics, Numerical Methods, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical foundation of computer science, Operations Research and Quantitative techniques at UG and PG level.
Her research specialization is Fluid Dynamics. Her Ph.D. thesis entitled “A STUDY OF LAMINAR BOUNDARY LAYER FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER PROBLEMS OF OFD” was considered an excellent work on the subject. She has participated in various workshops in the area of Fluid Dynamics. She has published several research papers in National and International journals and has presented/published papers in several National and International Conferences.
Dr. Shalini Chandravanshi
Dr. Shalini Chandravanshi
Assistant Professor (Chemistry)
Department of Applied Science
- B.Sc., M.Sc.(Chemistry) from CSJM Kanpur University, Kanpur.
- Ph.D (Natural Dyes-Surfactants interactions; Physico-chemical Studies aqnd Application in Textile Process) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam University, Lucknow.
- 11th Aug 2008 – 21st May 2009: Worked as visiting Lecturer, Department of Applied Science and Humanities, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur.
- 16th Aug 2009 – 23rd May 2010: Worked as visiting Lecturer, Department of Applied Science and Humanities, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur.
- 18th Aug 2014 – 15th June 2015: Worked as visiting Lecturer, Department of Applied Science and Humanities, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur.
- November 11, 2013- Till Date 2015: Worked as visiting Lecturer. IIM Indore, Rau, Indore.
- 22 July 2015 ‐ till date: Working as Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Science and Humanities, World College of Technology & Management, Gurgaon (MDU).
- Teaching undergraduate courses-Engineering Chemistry, Environmental Science.
- Teaching Postgraduate-Environmental Studies.
- Class Incharge B.Tech.1st year.
- Natural Dyes- Surfactants Interactions, Thermodynamic and Surface Parameters.
Shalini Chandravanshi and S. K. Upadhyay
Coloration Technology 185 (2011), 1-6.
- Interaction of Quercus infectoria natural dye- surfactants, micellization/adsorption of dye.
Shalini Chandravanshi and S. K. Upadhyay,
Journal of Disp. Sci. and Tech. 34(10) (2013), 1308-1315.
- Interaction of natural dye (Allium cepa) with ionic surfactants.
Shalini Chandravanshi and S. K. Upadhyay
Journal of Chemistry 2013 (2012), 1-6.
- Effect of ionic surfactant on the adsorption of Quercus infetoria natural dye on cotton fiber: A kinetic study.
Shalini Chandravanshi, S. K. Upadhyay and Abha Bhargawa.
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 35(10) 2014, 1427-1433.
- Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of natural terminalia arjuna dyeing on cotton in absence
& presence of cationic surfactant.
Shalini Chandravanshi and S. K. Upadhyay
International Journal of Fiber and Textile Research, 4(2) (2014), 20-26.
- National seminar on “Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences” Department of Chemistry at DG College, Kanpur (UP) from 9-11 Nov 2009.
- National seminar on “Contribution of Chemistry to the Society” organized by Department of Chemistry, DBS College, Kanpur (UP) 4 Dec 2009.
- Workshop on “Modern Analytical Techniques for Research and Industry” organized by Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at H.B. Technological Institute from 10-14 Nov 2008, Under Networking Cell, TEQIP, World Bank.
- Workshop on “Quality Control in Oils and Allied Products” organized by Department of Oil and paint Technology at H.B. Technological Institute from 20-25 March 2009, Under Networking Cell, TEQIP, World Bank.
- Workshop on “Advances in Bioprocess and Food Processing Technologies” organized by Department of Biochemical Engineering at H.B. Technological Institute from 09-15 Feb 2009, Under Networking Cell, TEQIP, World Bank.
- Workshop on “Advances in Engineering Materials” organized by Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at H.B. Technological Institute from 16-23 March 2009, Under Networking Cell, TEQIP, World Bank.
- National workshop on “Production and Application of Medicinal Plants” organized by Department of Chemistry, Under Human Resource Development, Govt. of India from 31 Oct – 14 Nov 2007.
- Poster presented in International Conference on “Green Technology for Greener Environment” paper title “Building Block Pathways: Glycerol and Succinic acid” organized at CCS University Meerut.
- A national seminar on “Green Chemistry: Present scenario and future perspective” organized by Department of Chemistry, ANDNNM College, Kanpur.
Mr. Deepesh Kumar Thakur
Mr. Deepesh Kumar Thakur
Assistant Professor (English)
Department of Applied Science & Humanities
Deepesh Kumar Thakur is an Assistant Professor in Department of Applied Sciences (English). He is M.A. (English), MBA, DCA and Ph.D. (Pursuing) from BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur (Bihar). He has overall teaching experience of 6 years and 2 years of Corporate and teaches the subjects like Professional Communication, Communicative English, Business Communication, Management,Technical Communication & Soft Skills at Post Graduate and Graduate level in Engineering, Management, Medical Sciences & Law Colleges.
His research work is in Communicative English. He has published a book “Importance of English Language for Professional & Technical Education” (2012). He has published 6 research papers in International Journal & 2 research papers in National Journal. He has published 6 research papers in various edited books. He has also presented 10 papers in International and 9 papers in National conferences & seminars in India. He has participated in 4 no. of Workshops in India. He is also an executive member of All India Management Association-‘AIMA’, an Apex Body of the Management Profession in India and Youth Affairs & Sports Ministry, Government of India. He is also an Editor of ‘Mirrorview’ & Editor of ‘WCTM PULSE’ a College Magazine and Assistant Editor an International Journal ‘IJIES’.
Mr. Vijay
Mr. Vijay
Assistant Professor (Mathematics)
Department of Applied Science & Humanities
Mr. Vijay is an Assistant Professor in Department of Applied Sciences. He is B.Sc. Honors (Maths) from Ramjas College, Delhi University and M.Sc. (Applied mathematics) from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in year 2008. He carried out project in group theory secured ‘A’ grade. He has overall teaching experience of 4 years as well as 4 years in Corporate Sector. He teaches the subjects Teaching Engineering Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical foundation of computer science to UG and PG classes. He has submitted his “Dissertation on Group Theory”.
Ms. Neeraj Sihmar
Ms. Neeraj Sihmar
Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Science
- M. Tech. (ECE), Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
- M.Sc. (Applied Physics), Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
- B.Sc. (PCM), Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
- January 2013 to till date: Assistant Professor at World College of Technology and Management (WCTM), Gurgaon, Haryana. (Affiliated to MDU, Rohtak).
- September, 2010 to December, 2012: Assistant Professor at MVN University, Palwal.
- Paper published on “Power Penalty Analysis in Millimeter Wave Transmission System” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-1562, Volume 6, Number 18, (2011) at GITM, Kurukshetra.
- Teaching Engineering Physics to U.G. Classes.
- Class Incharge B tech I Year CIVIL.
Ms. Minakshi Dahiya
Ms. Minakshi Dahiya
Assistant professor(Economics)
Department of Applied Science & Humanities
Ms. Minakshi Dahiya is an Assistant Professor in Department of Applied Science (Economics). She is M.A. (Economics) from Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, rank holder (9th position) and M.Phil (Economics) the research thesis entitled “SELF-HELF GROUP in Rural Areas” from Chaudhary Devilal University, Hisar, rank holder (2nd position). She has overall teaching experience of 9 years and presently teaching Economics to UG and PG classes.
She teaches subjects like Managerial Economics, Business Economics, Micro & Macro Economics at Post Graduate and Graduate level in Engineering & Management Colleges. She has also published 3 research papers in various Conferences Seminars. She has attended 3 Seminars, Conferences & Faculty Development Programmes and 1 National Conference. She has edited an Article in ‘WCTM PULSE’ College Magazine.
Ms Nisha
Ms Nisha
Assistant Professor (Mathematics)
Department of Applied Science & Humanities
Ms Nisha is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Sciences. She is M.Sc. (Mathematics,2011) from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. She has overall teaching experience of 5 years and teaches the subjects Engineering Mathematics, Numerical Methods, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical foundation of Computer Science, Algebra, Business Mathematics and Differential equations at graduate and post graduate level.
She has presented paper on “Population Dynamic, Resource consumption environment Interface” in National Seminar. She has also attended the National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Science & Technology. She has received meritorious award (1st Position) in graduation from PIG Govt. College, Jind.
Ms. Sujata Chauhan
Ms. Sujata Chauhan
Assistant professor (English)
Department of Applied Science
Ms. Sujata Chauhan is an Assistant Professor in Department of Applied Science (English). She is M.A (English Literature) from MDS University, Ajmer. She has cleared UGC NET exam. She is specialized in English Literature and Communicative English. She has 8 years of teaching experience. She teaches subjects like Professional Communication, Communicative English, Business Communication, Technical Communication & Soft Skills at PG and UG level. She has presented research papers in National Conferences & Seminars. She has diverse exposure of teaching in various fields ranging from Degree College, Engineering & Management Institutes to well reputed corporate group, “Frankfinn-Training Air Hostess” in Communication Skills.