Post Doctoral: Dept. of Fuel & Energy, University of Leeds, UK;
Research Solar Energy Utilization: Oct. 1994-June, 1995.
Ph.D From Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi
M.Tech From Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Energy Studies -1st Division
Specialization: Solar Energy – 1988.
Place of Work
Senior Research Scholar
Centre of Energy Studies, IIT Delhi
Senior Scientific Officer-II
Department of Non-conventional
Energy Sources, Govt. of India
Deputy Director
All India Council for Technical
Senior Scientist
(Equivalent to Director)
Ministry of New & Renewable
Energy, Govt. of India
World College of Technology and
Management (WCTM), Gurgaon
2009- till date
Associated with installation, commissioning and testing of India’s first 50 kW
solar thermal plants at Solar Energy Centre.
Involved in techno-economic feasibility and technology assessment studies for
India’s first 30MW solar thermal power plant.
Coordination, monitoring and evaluation of sponsored R&D Projects to Institutions,
Universities etc. in the field of solar energy.
Thermodynamic analysis of heat cycles for solar thermal power generation, and
techno-economic evaluation of parabolic trough based solar thermal power system for
typical Indian conditions
Awarded UNDP fellowship for training in Solar Energy in USA & Australia. Highlights of
the training are as follows:
Solar Heat Engines : Prof. S.Kaneff
Research School of Physical Sciences
Australian National University, Canberra
Technology Transfer : Prof. W.W.S. Charters Dean
Faculty of Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Solar Architecture : Australia Florida Solar Energy Centre
Cape Canaveral Florida
Solar Photovoltaics
Technology/Design/Sizing : South-West Experiment Station
Las Cruses, USA
Besides the above, visited & interested with leading scientists & experts/academicians
Worked in solar energy in following Universities/Institutions in USA & Australia.
University of California, Berkeley, USA
University of Miami, Miami, USA
California Energy Commission, USA
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
UNDP-GEF Fellowship to Germany/Austria on Technology Transfer in Biomethanation
UNDP fellowship for training in technology transfer in the field of Solar Energy in USA &
Research fellowship of the University Grants Commission, India
M.Tech fellowship at IIT, Delhi
Optimum Operating Temperature and Efficiency of Solar Thermal Power Generation,
N.Singh and S.C. Kaushik, Journal of Heat Recovery System & CHP, Vol 14, No.6, p
633-638, 1994.
Techno-economic Evaluation of Solar Thermal Power Generation : A Case Study for
Indian Condition, N.Singh and S.C. Kaushik, International Journal of Solar Energy, Vol
18, p 1-5, 1995
Thermal Modeling and Energy Conservation Studies of Rankine cycle System with
Regenerative Heat Exchanger, S.C. Kaushik, A. Dubey and N. Singh, Journal of Heat
Recovery System & CHP, Vol. 14, No.1
Thermodynamic Analysis of a Brayton Cycle for Solar Thermal Power Generation, N.
Singh and S.C. Kaushik (in communication).
Design, Testing and Performance of 50 kW Solar Thermal Power Plant, N.Singh et al.,
national Solar Energy Convention, Udaipur (India), p. 355-359, 1989.
Effect of Solar Collector Design Parameters on The Operation of Sterling Power System
N.Singh, B.M. Gibbs and S.C. Kaushik, p 195-200, Vol21 Int. Journal of Energy
Research, 1977
A New Socio-economic Approach for Corporative Evaluation of Electricity Generation
Projects, S. Mohan, G.D. Sootha, Narendra Singh, World Energy Council, 15th Congress
(Madrid, Spain) Discussion2, Energy and the Economy, pp 258-266.
Role of Renewable Energy Technologies in Indian Energy Scenario, Ved Mitra, Ashvini
Kumar, Narendra Singh, National Workshop on Energy Conservation, New Delhi, 8-9
Sept. 1995, Orgn. By Rajiv Gandhi Foundation & The Institution of Engineers (India)
Solar Heat Engines
Technology Assessment and Economic Evaluation of Solar Thermal Power Systems: A
State of Art Report, N.Singh and S.C. Kaushik, Nov.1993
Optimization of Back-up Capacity in Fossil Fuel-Solar Thermal Hybrid Power Plants,
S.Mohan, N.Singh and G.D. Sootha, Seminar on Solar Power System, Alustha (USSR),
April 25-26, 1991
Transient Analysis for Trouble Shooting in 50 kW Solar Thermal Power Plant,
Gwalpahari, N.Singh et at., National Solar Energy Convention, Udaipur (India), Vol.5,
No.1, p44-45, 1994
Design Consideration in MW Scale Solar Thermal Power Plants, S.Mohan, N. Singh,
R.S. Sharma, Urja Bharati (Special Issue on Solar Energy), Vol.5, No.1, p.44-45, 1994
Case Study of Vernacular Architecture in Composite Zone: Experimentation and Thermal
Modeling, N.Singh, p481-486, National Solar Convention, India, 1990
Managing Trustee
Dr. Ritu Singh (Wife of Dr Narendra Singh)
Managing Trustee
Post Doctoral Research : Enrichment of Coal, Department of Fuel,
University of Leeds, UK; (1994-1995).
Ph.D : Hydrocarbon from Petrocrops, Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi;
M.Sc (Chemistry) : Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Delhi (1984-86)
B.Sc (Hons Chemistry) : St Stephen’s College, Delhi University (1981-84)
Place of Work
IIT Delhi
Research & Development work
on analysis and upgrade of
Petroleum Crude and Coal
Sr. Scientific (ST-II)
Centre of Material for Electronics
Technology, Ministry of
Information Technology, Govt. of
Sr Scientific officer –
Software Technology, Parks of
India, Ministry of Information
Technology, Govt. of India
Associated with Engineering Colleges in Jaipur & Bharatpur as Academic Advisor
Associated with Ministry of Information Technology, Govt. of India for Monitoring
Coordination, Evaluation, and formulation of Research Projects & Research
Desulphurization of various Indian coals by Hydrogen Donor Solvent Extraction; Ratna
Choudhury, A.K. Bhaktavatsalam and Ritu Singh; Proceedings of the Coal Utilization and the
Environment Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA. Paper presented. Abstract Fuel 1993, Vol.72,
No.5, P 707. Full Length paper Fuel 1993, Vol.72, No.6.
Coal Ash minimization towards creation of Net Available energy, Ratna Choudhury, Ritu
Singh and A.K. Bhaktavatsalam; Proceedings of 15th National Systems Conference,
Roorkee, March 1992, pp 65-68,
Enhanced liquid fuel from Single Biomass Species namely Calotropis Procera, Ratna
Choudhury and Ritu Singh., Published in the proceedings of 9
th International Congress on
Energy and Environmental, Miami, USA, 1989, 82.
Non-Polar Solvent Extraction of Calotropis Procera, Ratna Choudhury and Ritu Singh.,
Presented at National Conference of Petroleum Conservation Research Association, New
Delhi, India in Feb., 1990.
Enhanced Hydricarbon extraction by Alkali Pre-treatment of Calotropis Procera-A Petrocrop,
Ratna Choudhury and Ritu Singh, Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of Eco
World 1992- 1
st Annual Meeting, Washington Convention Center – Washington DC, USA.
Enhanced Hydrocarbon Extraction from calotrops Procera – A pertrocrop, Ratna
Choudhury and Ritu Singh, Accepted for Publication in the Journal of Fuel Science and
Technology international, 1992.
Hydrocarbons from Calotropis Procera – Product Enhancement and Analysis, Ratna
Choudhury and Ritu Singh, Accepted for Publication in the International Journal of Energy
Research, 1992.
Upgradation of a Petro Crop Extract to liquid fuels - Ratna Choudhury and Ritu Singh,
Accepted for Publication in the International Journal – FUEL,1994/0091.
Beneficiation of Indian Coal by Chemical Techniques - Ratna Choudhury and Ritu Singh.,
Presented at National Conference of Petroleum Conservation Research Association, New
Delhi, India in 1994.
Nehru Centenary British Fellowship for post-doctoral research at University of Leeds, UK.
Research Fellowship of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, India. 1986 (Nov)
Research Fellowship of University Grants Commission, India 1986 (August)
Kunwar Nishant Singh
M.S : King College London, UK, university of London, UK
B.Tech (CSE) : Bhartiya Vidya Peeth, Indra Prastha University, New Delhi
Associated with WCTM College in Gurgaon as Academic Advisor.
Associated with Trust Engineering Colleges in Jaipur & Bharatpur as Academic Advisor.
Dr. Ajay Kumar Dagar
World College Of Technology And Management, Gurgaon
B.Tech (Electronics and Communication), Shivaji University, Kolhapur
M.Tech from MDU Rohtak.
Doctorate in Biomedical Image Processing.
Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in Web Designing and E‐Commerce Technology from Software Technology Group, New Delhi.
Total 28 years industrial/academics experience.
Coordinator ECE Department.
Coordinator M.Tech courses at WCTM
Best Faculty award by KRDWG IIT, New Delhi.
Best Faculty award at college level in 2007.
Life membership of ISTE
Member of IETE
Published several research papers in national and international conferences on Digital Signal Processing and Robotics.
Dr. Ajay Dagar’s work is concerned with optical signal processing using MATLAB and digital signal processing using the fractional Fourier transform.
Director Admission
Dr. Shamta Chugh
Director Admissions and Head
Department of Applied Science
Dynamic and results-driven mathematician with over 25 years of academic experience specializing in applied mathematics, research and leadership. Proven expertise in conducting advanced research, teaching complex mathematical concepts and managing academic projects. Aiming to contribute to educational growth and research excellence in a forward-thinking institution.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mathematics
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar
Thesis Topic:Two-Dimensional Deformation of an Anisotropic Medium
Director Admission & Professor (Mathematics)
World College of Technology and Management, Farrukh Nagar (Gurgaon)
August 2015 – Present
Lead the admissions department, overseeing the recruitment, selection, and orientation of students, ensuring compliance with academic standards and regulatory requirements.
Developed and taught a range of postgraduate and undergraduate mathematics courses, including Business Research Methods, Quantitative Techniques, Applied Computational Statistics, Mathematics-I, Probability & Statistics, and Discrete Structures.
Conducted academic mentoring and research guidance, helping students achieve their academic and professional goals.
Organized institutional events such as Fresher’s Parties, New Year Fiesta, Diwali Fest, and Cultural and Sports Programs to foster a vibrant campus culture.
Convener of R&D Cell.
In-charge of the scholarship program, ensuring that deserving students received it based on merit.
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
SDITM & NCIT Israna (Sister Institutions of NCCE)
July 2009 – July 2015
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BPRCE, Gohana
August 2004 – June 2009
Lecturer, Mathematics
NCCE, Israna
August 2002 – February 2003
Lecturer, Mathematics
JMIT, Radaur
September 2001 – July 2002
Key Responsibilities & Achievements
Developed and implemented strategies to enhance the quality of education, leading the successful delivery of key academic programs.
Played a vital role in designing and updating syllabi for a wide range of mathematics courses to keep pace with the latest developments in the field.
Led the organization of extracurricular and co-curricular activities, building a strong sense of community among students and faculty.
Streamlined the admission process, ensuring transparency and excellence while securing scholarship funding for high-achieving students.
Research Publications
Chugh, S., Singh, K. and Madan, D. K., 2009 - Two-dimensional static deformation of an orthotropic elastic layered half-space due to blind strike-slip fault, ISET J. Earthq. Tech., 46, 109–124.
Madan, D. K., Chugh, S. and Singh, K., 2009 - Static deformation of two coupled orthotropic elastic half-spaces due to non-uniform slip along a very long vertical strike-slip fault, Int. J. Appl. Maths. Engg. Sci., 3, 113-127.
Chugh, S., Madan, D. K. and Singh, K., 2010 - Static deformation due to non-uniform slip along a very long vertical strike-slip geological fault in two-phase medium, Int. J. Ecol. Econ. Stat., 19, 47-65.
Madan, D. K., Chugh, S. and Singh, K., 2011 - Stresses in an anisotropic elastic plate due to strip-loading, Int. J. Mech., 5, 57-62.
Chugh, S., Madan, D. K. and Singh, K., 2011 - Static deformation of orthotropic elastic layered medium due to a non-uniform discontinuity along a very long strike-slip fault, Int. J. Engg., Sci. and Tech., 3, 69-86.
Chugh, S., Madan, D. K. and Singh, K., 2011 - Plane strain deformation of an initially unstressed elastic medium, Appl. Maths. Comput. (Elsevier), 217, 8683–8692.
Chugh, S., Singh, K. and Madan, D. K., 2011 - 2-D static response of an orthotropic multilayered half-space due to a long strike-slip fault, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 103, 171-182.
Madan, D. K., Dahiya, A. and Chugh, S., 2012 - Static response of transversely isotropic elastic medium with irregularity present in the medium, Int. J. Mech. Engg., 2, 1-11.
Madan, D. K., Dahiya, A. and Chugh, S., 2012 - Static response of an anisotropic elastic medium due to inclined line load with irregularity present in the medium, Int. J. Engg. Sc. Res., 2, 1683-1695.
Conferences & Workshops
Contribution online as a Session Chair in 3rd International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization during June 14-16, 2024 at Phuket, THAILAND.
Online Presented a paper “Effect of AI in Mathematical Modelling” in 2nd International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO) during 23-25 June 2023 at Bali, Indonesia DOI: 10.1109/ICCMSO59960.
Contribution online as a Session Chair in 2022 International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO) during 23-25 Dec. 2022 held at Bangkok, Thailand. DOI: 10.1109/ICCMSO58359.
Attended 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods Simulation and Optimization during January 11-13, 2019 held at AITCC, Bangkok, Thailand and online presented a paper “Analysis the Effect of Irregularity on Static Response of Transversely Isotropic Elastic Medium”.
Contribution online as a Session Chairperson in the International Conference entitled “Mathematical Sciences” on Innovative Research in Engineering, Computers and Sciences during 19-21 January, 2018 held at Panji, Goa, India.
Contribution online as a Session Chair in the International Conference on Engineering, Computers and Natural Sciences during 19-21 October, 2018 held at Panji, Goa, India.
Contribution online as an invited Speaker in the International Conference on Engineering, Computers and Natural Sciences during 19-21 October, 2018 held at Panji, Goa, India and delivered a talk on “Geological Fault in Two Phase Medium”.
Attended International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering, Computers and Sciences during January 19-21, 2018 held at Panji, Goa and presented a paper “Deformation of an Orthotropic Elastic Medium Possessing Irregularity at the interface”.
Attended Ist International Conference on Computational Methods Simulation and Optimization during June 22-24, 2018 held at AITCC, Bangkok, Thailand and online presented a paper “Deformation in a Transversely Isotropic Elastic Plate due to Strip Loading”.
Attended National Conference on Recent Trends in Science & Technology: A Computational Approach on March 22, 2018 held at CH. Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani and presented a paper entitled “Stresses in Transversely Isotropic Elastic Plate due to Strip-Loading”.
Attended National Conference on Global Challenges-Role of Sciences & Technology in Giving Their Solutions during March 3-4, 2012 held at TITS, Bhiwani and presented a paper entitled “Static deformation of an orthotropic multilayered half-space”.
Attended National Conference on ‘Women Entrepreneurships Challenges and Opportunities’ by Delhi Management Association and Indus Business Academy (Greater Noida) on December 16, 2010.
Attended 1st International Conference on ‘Mathematics and Soft Computing’ during December 4-5, 2010 held at NCCE, Israna, Panipat and presented a paper entitled “Stresses due to strip-loading in a monoclinic elastic plate”.
Attended National Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation during March 20-21, 2010 held at G.J.U.S &T., Hisar and presented the paper entitled “Static deformation due to non-uniform slips in two-phase orthotropic elastic media”.
Attended 9th National Conference on Information Technology and Operational Research Applications during December 8-9, 2007 held at Graduate School of Business & Administration, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh and presented a paper entitled “Crustal deformation due to strike-slip faulting in the earth”.
Attended 8th National Level Conference on “Information Technology: Setting Trends in Modern Era” during 18-20 March, 2006 held at NCCE, Israna, Panipat & presented a paper entitled “Two-dimensional deformation analysis of an orthotropic half-space due to a long inclined strike-slip fault” at finite width.
Attended Workshop on “Art of Learning and Research Guidelines” during October 18-19, 2013 held at NCCE, Israna, Panipat.
Attended National Workshop on ‘Wireless and Microwave Communication: Future Trends’ on April 30, 2011 held at SDITM, Israna, Panipat.
Attended National Workshop on ‘Recent Trends in Mathematics & Computing’ on March 13, 2010 held at TITS, Bhiwani.
Attended State-Level Workshop on ‘Cyber Security and E-mail Applications’ during December 21-22, 2009 held at SDITM, Israna, Panipat.
Attended National Seminar on ‘Mathematical Modeling in Science & Technology’ on 18 Aug, 2012 at TITS, Bhiwani and presented a paper entitled “A note on the stress ratios at the interface in an anti-plane strain problem”.
Attended AICTE sponsored National Seminar on Application of Mathematics in Engineering Sciences during March 17, 2012 held at NCCE, Israna, Panipat and presented a paper entitled “Two dimensional eigen value problem in electromagnetic using finite element method”.
Attended AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on Challenges in Software Engineering Research & Practices during March 30-31, 2010 held at NCCE, Israna (Panipat) and presented the paper entitled “Static deformation due to non-uniform slip along a very long strike-slip fault”.
Attended AICTE recognized Short term course on Optimization Techniques in Engineering During May 27-31, 2019 held at NITTTR Chandigarh.
Attended AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Solar Energy on 11-23 May, 2015 at MRU, Faridabad.
Attended AICTE sponsored National Level Staff Development Programme on “Smart Materials” during July 19-31, 2010 held at SDITM, Israna (Panipat) and presented a paper entitled “2-D static response of an orthotropic multilayered half-space due to a long strike-slip fault”.
AICTE sponsored National Level Staff Development Programme on “Smart Materials” during July 19-31, 2010 held at SDITM, Israna (Panipat) and presented a paper entitled “Faults: Source of Earthquakes”.
Attended Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurship Development & Small Business Management during December 1-14, 2009 held at NCCE, Israna, Panipat.
Certifications & Professional Development
AICTE Certified: Various faculty development programs, including topics on Solar Energy, Smart Materials, and Optimization Techniques in Engineering.
National & International Workshops: Actively participated in several workshops and seminars on Cyber Security, Wireless Communication, Mathematics in Engineering Sciences, and Entrepreneurship Development.
Skills & Competencies
Research Expertise: Advanced knowledge in the deformation analysis of anisotropic and orthotropic media, geological faulting, and applied mathematics in engineering.
Teaching & Curriculum Design: Ability to design and implement effective, engaging courses and materials for diverse academic levels.
Leadership: Proven track record in leading teams, managing academic departments, and organizing large-scale events.
Communication & Public Speaking: Experienced in delivering academic papers, conducting workshops, and speaking at conferences and seminars.
Director Academic
Dr. Himani Avasthi
Director – Academics
World College of Technology & Management, Gurgaon
An established and result-driven professional with extensive experience in academia and a proven track record of leadership, strategic planning, and academic excellence, conducting research, and working with students from diverse backgrounds
An esteemed academician with rich experience & passion for academic, institutional, and student development pursuits; contributed to institutional development & building by organizing conferences, workshops, & conclaves.
Well-versed in providing visionary leadership and strategic direction for the department, overseeing academic programs, faculty development, and student success initiatives.
Outstanding endeavor in delivering course curriculum in classroom and/or online, ensuring student awareness of course objectives, approach, and evaluation techniques, and planning lectures with industrial relevance.
Proficient in developing and implementing departmental policies, procedures, and curriculum enhancements to ensure academic quality and alignment with institutional goals.
Cultivated partnerships with industry stakeholders, government agencies, and community organizations to enhance research opportunities, experiential learning, and career readiness for students.
Collaborated with other academic units and administrative offices to streamline operations, optimize resources, and achieve institutional objectives.
Awarded as Best Interjector at the HR Conference on Organizational Framework: The Myriad Role of HRM on March 22, 2017, at the Metropolitan Hotel & Spa, New Delhi.
Ph.D. Guide & Reviewer
Co-guide for a Ph.D. scholar from Amity University: Mr. Amit Kumar (Roll No. - 18020301143).
Co-guide for a Ph.D. scholar from Ansal University: Mrs. Priyanka Anand (Business Administration).
Since May’16 with World College of Technology & Management, Gurgaon
Jun’23 – till date: Director – Academics / Head of Department
May’16 – Jun’23: Professor and Head of Department – Business Administration
Jul’15 – Apr’16 with JK Business School, Gurgaon - Associate Professor & Academic Convener for PG & UG
Jul’14 – May’15 with Annapurna International School of Film & Media, Hyderabad
Apr’13 – Jul’13 with Centre for Executive Education, Dubai, UAE
Jul’10 – Mar’13 with Institute of Business Management & Research, Gurgaon, India as Assistant Professor and Head - Corporate Relations & Training
Conducted academic tour of PG students to Singapore- Malaysia (April 2012)
Jul’05 – Jul’10 with IILM Institute for Higher Education, Gurgaon, India / Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland as Assistant Professor
Aug’02 – Jul’05 with IILM Academy of Higher Learning, Jaipur, India / Bradford University, UK as Officiating Dean / Controller of Examinations – Bradford Under Graduate Business School
Jul’00 – Jul’02 with Indian Institute of Management Sciences, Jaipur, India as Lecturer and Placement Officer
Key Result Areas
Taught undergraduate courses, post-graduate level courses in the major subject area, or introductory-level courses; incorporating innovative methods and technology-enhanced learning tools.
Conducted scholarly research, and published in peer-reviewed journals, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the management field.
Mentored graduate students, supervised research projects, and served on thesis/dissertation committees, fostering intellectual growth and academic achievement.
Oversaw the coordination, facilitation, and quality assurance of academic programs, including the observation and evaluation of professors to ensure alignment with academic objectives and the suitability of the curriculum.
Instructed key subjects such as Operations Research, Business Research, E-Commerce, and Strategic HRM.
Spearheaded the implementation of academic initiatives leading to an increase in the number of graduates and elevated the college's reputation for academic excellence.
Developed a comprehensive strategic plan outlining new academic programs tailored to meet the demands and opportunities of the 21st century in the field of business administration.
Led departmental initiatives to assess student learning outcomes, curriculum effectiveness, and program accreditation, implementing data-driven improvements as needed.
Interpreted, implemented and ensured compliance with university academic and administrative policies and procedures within an operating unit.
Understanding and assessing existing academic operations processes across various departments and divisions within the colleges to provide support and improvements.
Participated in departmental activities such as advising student clubs or serving on departmental committees.
Managed budgets, advising the Board of Trustees and ensuring its guidelines are met.
Established objectives for curriculum and evaluation; undertook continuous study and revision of curriculum.
Interacted and collaborated with students community to build an environment that maximizes student learning, remedial teaching, academic performance, and social growth.
Engaged in chairing faculty meetings; providing guidance & support for curriculum planning instructional goals, objectives & methods; setting plans for shaping the college’s image.
Notable Accomplishments Across The Career
At JK Business School
Selected as a research project guide for postgraduate students in accordance with AICTE norms.
Engaged in student admissions, involving extensive travel and delivering presentations.
Served as co-convener for the college's flagship event, the 30-hour mega event.
Appointed as HR faculty to participate in workshops and conferences related to HRM, with a focus on revitalizing the college journal, "JK Journal of Management & Technology."
Authored an article on Change Management published in People & Management Magazine.
At Annapurna International School of Film & Media
Managed research projects within the film and media industry, oversaw scheduling and budgeting for small yet significant initiatives.
Received acclaim for proactive approaches and adept problem-solving skills.
Contributed as an Exam Paper Setter for JNTU (Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University), Hyderabad.
At Centre for Executive Education
Advocated for the adoption of cutting-edge technology for online assignment corrections and grade allocations, while fostering the development of essential general education skills such as communication and critical thinking.
Received outstanding feedback, resulting in the assignment of two additional subjects within a two-month timeframe.
At IILM Institute for Higher Education, Gurgaon, India / Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Orchestrated the HR Symposium at IILM in 2008.
Completed SPSS training provided by SPSS India Ltd. in Jun’08.
Facilitated training sessions on Staffing and Business Research for BPO executives.
Travelled extensively throughout North India for admission interviews and to promote the Institute's brand.
P.hD. from Singhania University, Rajasthan in 2014
MBA (Human Resource Management) from Lucknow University in 2000
B.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics) from University of Allahabad in 1998
P.hD. Topic: Work-life Balance in Government and Private Run Management Institutes.
Paper titled “Restructuring Higher Education as an impact of NEP2020: Challenges & Implications” published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science (IJARCMSS) Volume 07, No.3(1) July-September, ISSN-2581-7930, Impact Factor- 6.986.
Conducted FDP session on “Case Study Method in Management Education” in Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation FDP at IMS, Engineering College, Ghaziabad on April 10th, 2024.
The Impact of Ethical Leadership on Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives (Vol. 13, No. 6-2023) with WCTM Affiliation (SCOPUS INDEXED).
Paper Review Committee Member for 5th International HR Summit HumanOurce-2018 (8th September 2018); Theme: Employeeship: The New People Strategy at Dr. Gaur HariSinghania Institute of Management & Research, Kanpur.
DMA National Conference on HR Analytics, 9th March 2018, New Delhi.
Attended round table conference on ‘Indian Ethos at Work, HR Best Practices & Celebrating Women in Leadership’ hosted by ‘People and Management’ magazine on 15th March 2016.
Article on “Managing Change with Cultural Transformation: Tools & Resources to Deal with Change” in People & Management, International Edition- Singapore – Vol 7, Issue 1, January 2016 (
Research Paper on “Quality of Work-Life” in Indian Journal of Applied Research (ISSN-2249-555X) Volume 01, Issue 06 March 2012.
Research Paper on “International Human Resource - Planning & Staffing” in Indian Journal of Research - PARIPEX (ISSN-2250-1991) Volume 01, Issue 01 January 2012.
Presented the following papers:
National Conference on Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises – Next Generation Engine of Growth on March 23-24, 2012.
International HR Conference - 2009 on Impact of Technology on HR: Work Life Balance Enablers at IES, Mumbai on 6th Feb 09.
Outsourcing - “HR issues in Outsourcing” in International Seminar at MIM, Manipal, 7-9 Jan 2008.
Logistics Management “New Ways of Competing Based on Effective Logistics” in National Seminar held on Dec 23-24, 2006.
“Human Development with Special Reference to Women’s Health in Rajasthan” in the National Level Knowledge Sharing Conference on Health & Human Development held in Jaisalmer on 13-14 March 2005. This paper is published in UNDP Magazine and also available on the website.
Contemporary HR Issues – Outsourcing at a Seminar at Mody Institute of Management, Kota held on 4-5th September, 2004.
Case Study on Jet Airways Pvt. Ltd.: Managing Separation in Economic Recession accepted at 27th SCOS, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, in July, 2009.