The interface of Academia and Corporate is necessary for the grooming and nurturing of the students. The teachers help the students with academic inputs and the Corporate helps to imbibe the needs of the changing corporate scenario. Keeping this very important aspect of an educational institution, we have a Corporate Resource Centre (CRC) headed by a Director, who has got rich corporate and academic experience. For any graduating student, placement is the culmination of all the hard work he has put. We deem it our duty to give our students a cutting edge to enable them to face the growing competition both at national and global level.
The CRC works all through the year towards generating placement and training opportunities for the students. Reputed industrial houses across the country visit our College regularly for the campus recruitment programs. The prime objective of the division is to facilitate its graduating students and industry by providing a meeting ground where the prospective employer companies can identify suitable candidates for placement in their organization. with view to our objective of 100% employment of our students and to assist students in securing best available jobs, the CRC follows two fold approaches: